Prototype sketch and testing


I tested these prototypes out on my family to see what they thought. 

For the fist one they said.
  • They liked how it was laid out and how they could immediately see what the pressing issues were. 
  • They liked the fact that each topic had a rating on how serious each topic was but the colour system didn't work for them because it was too similar to the weather warning system.
  • My mother suggested a numbering system. 
  • I think a system related to volume would work well and go with the theme of Siren. 
For the second one they said
  • It didn't work because they couldn't immediately see what was a pressing issue and only the amount of issues in each category
  •  My sister preferred the cleanliness of this one. 
For the last one
  • They liked the idea of how far away they could choose they area of effect to be.
  • They liked the overall design of it. 
Questions they had
  • They were wondering how much information would be gathered from local sources like community watch centres, the local guards and user submitted information. 
  • My sister thought it would be a good idea to have a forum. 


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